● Alaska Pacific University
Please note: Those seeking scholarships from Alaska Pacific University must apply through that institution, not through the foundation. Applications should be addressed to:
Alaska Pacific University
Office of Financial Aid
4101 University Avenue
Anchorage, Alaska 99508
● Cultural & Arts Organizations
● Services Organizations
These grantees should submit an online grant application using the following procedure:
Step 1:
Review the “What We Fund” page to be sure your organization falls within one of the grant categories.
Step 2:
If your organization fits within one of the grant categories, click the button below to begin the online application process.
The online application process starts by asking several preliminary qualification questions. If the answers are correct, then there will be a questionnaire to complete.
When the application is complete and has been sent electronically to Foundation Source, they will review the application for compliance with numerous legal requirements the Foundation must follow in making grants and will also review for compliance with the Foundation eligibility conditions of the grant for which you are seeking.
The application will then be sent to the Foundation administrative staff and prepared for review by the Board for determination of grant entitlement. At this point in the process, you may be asked for supplemental information.
Step 3:
After the Board has determined the amounts available for distribution and determined which applicants will receive a grant, the administrative staff at the Foundation will notify the grantees.
Step 4:
All applicants will receive some notice of the outcome of their application.